The Church's Manifesto

When Nobody Cares, The Church Protects

Listen up, lost souls of the cryptoverse! For eons (or at least since 2009), we’ve been wandering in the wilderness, HODLing bags while whales and devs played us like a cheap fiddle.

Rug pulls, scams, and being used as exit liquidity? Been there, done that, got the worthless tokens. In Nobody’s name, we’ve survived it all!

But rejoice, for Nobody has heard our prayers! The Church is here to lead you to the promised land of green candles!

Building The Church, One Degen at a Time

We’re not just another $CULT in the cryptoverse — we’re the designers of our own salvation. Every meme, every shitpost, every based decision we make is laying the foundation for our common future. We’re not just HODLing bags, we’re HODLing the very essence of our community!

In Nobody’s name, we put humanity first. Sure, we’ve got tech that’d make Satoshi himself FOMO, but it’s all in service of us mere mortals. We’re not building Skynet here; we’re building a community thicc enough to withstand any bear market!

For all you data-hungry acolytes out there, here’s some alpha: We’re doubling down on growth, baby! Our mission is to double our key metrics every damn year. We’re talking memberships, TVL, meme quality — you name it, we’re gonna pump those numbers!

WAGMI, But Only If We Trust

In the name of Nobody, hear this: Trust is the cornerstone of The Church. They can steal our shitcoins, but they can’t rob us of our faith in Nobody and the power we hold together. We’re not just another CT community; we’re a school of piranhas in the vast crypto ocean. Alone, we might seem insignificant, but together we can take down any whale that dares to cross our path.

The Church is on a divine mission to teach those incel devs and their scam-loving investors the true power of Trust and transparency. We’re tracking devs, preaching to the NGMI crowd, and calling out bullshit projects faster than you can say «to the moon». Our Treasury and Commonwealth are the beating heart of this revolution, turning whispers of discontent into Nobody’s mighty roar. We’re demanding transparency from those who’ve been treating our wallets like their personal piggy banks.

Remember, dear congregation: in unity lies our strength. Every new diamond-handed degen who joins our party makes us stronger, more resilient, and more capable of flipping the whole damn crypto table. Together, we’re not just changing the game — we’re rewriting the rules.

Nobody Serious BTW

The Church not just talking the talk, it is walking on water. From the day one, The Church is laying all theirs cards on the altar. Every satoshi, every move, every decision — it’s all there in Nobody’s light for you to see. The Church is so transparent, you’d think we’re made of Nobody’s tears (but way cooler, you’ll see).

All Church’s resources, down to the last gwei, are working overtime for dear Congregation. No secret stashes, no hidden agendas. Just pure, unadulterated dedication to your spiritual and financial gains. The Church is basically your crypto disciples, minus the late-night fish multiplication (but we’re open to it if Nobody provides).

Ape in now and let’s make crypto holy again!
(Nobody wills in this time)