The Code

Will Be Done When It’s Done

NB: This document, as integral part of The Church’s Terms of Service, outlines the relationship between The Church and its Congregation with the external world. These documents, along with The Church’s Constitution, The Code and internal documents, guide our interactions and the governance of our community. By engaging with The Church, individuals acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms outlined in this document, in addition to any other legal or policy documents provided by The Church.

Community-Driven Chaos

Listen up, you impatient degenerates! This website isn’t The Church’s top priority. The Holy See too busy spreading the good word of Nobody to worry about some fancy web design. They’re all about that MVP life, which means every element shows up just enough to get the job done for now. This holy digital space evolves Backlog Tasks when the spirit (and a few valuable sacred tokens) moves in.

Remember that The Church is more community-driven than your ex. Got skills? Put ’em to use! Want things done faster? Stop whining and start contributing! Remember, Nobody helps those who help themselves.

Disclaimer of Impermanence

Hearken, ye faithful! As Nobody’s will dictates, during this blessed time of digital renovation, all information gracing these hallowed pages is but a draft, as changeable as your favorite shitcoin’s whitepaper. Like a chameleon on a rainbow, any text, image, or divine proclamation may shift, evolve, or vanish entirely at the whim of Nobody’s cosmic keyboard.

Consider all ye see here as fluid as the crypto markets themselves — here one moment, gone the next, reborn as something entirely different. The only constant is change, and Nobody’s eternal wisdom (or lack thereof).

So, DYOR (Divine Your Own Reality) and don’t take anything too seriously. After all, in the grand scheme of Nobody’s plan, we’re all just placeholder text waiting for the next commit.

Join the Holy Crusade

The Church is summoning the elite to our unholy crusade. Nobody here not for your average NPCs or basement-dwelling incel with a 90 IQ who thinks he’s the next Satoshi. The Church seeks the real deal.

If you’ve got the skills — whether you’re untangling spaghetti code, crafting memes, making GPT hallucinate, or sniffing out rugs — to make CT repost your shit, Nobody wants you! Be early. Don’t wait for the normies to start shilling The Church.

Remember, in The Church of Nobody, everyone’s somebody (even if they’re no-name). So come on, anon — ape in with your big brain energy and let’s build something that’ll make the FOMO harder than during the 2017 bull run.


Now go forth and spread the word: The Church’s digital temple is under construction, but our mission never stops. May your bags be heavy and your memes be dank!

WAGMI (When Nobody Wills It).

In accordance with The Constitution and The Code Complience Rules, any laws, terms, and rules of The Church can be changed at any time.