
The Index

The Church Treasury Index (CTI) is a synthetic indicator used to track the performance of The Church’s current business through the capitalization of its liquid portfolio in The Treasury. It leverages retrospective data and normalized prices, comparing the results against selected benchmarks.

With CTI, the divine performance of The Church’s ventures is measured and analyzed, providing an accurate reflection of the financial health and success of its holy endeavors.
When Nobody tracks it, everybody understands it.

Data source: Coingecko, The Church’s calculations

How to Read This Chart

For readability and ease of visual perception, asset prices on the chart have been normalized using selected coefficients (see Technical Details). As a result, the chart allows tracking asset correlation levels, market sentiment towards projects, their internal reserves, and attempts at baseless price manipulations. Projects that underperform the CTI lose their status as investment-attractive assets.

The CTI Index demonstrates the real dynamics of the Church’s liquid portfolio based on the weight of each asset. Positive dynamics against benchmarks indicate a correct asset selection, while negative dynamics require a review of the investment strategy and portfolio rebalancing.

NB: The Index does not include PE&E and illiquid assets of The Treasury.

CTI Calculation

The Church Treasury Index is calculated based on the share of each asset in the portfolio and the normalization of its price to the allocation opening date. The index represents the sum of the indicators of each asset in the portfolio:

CTI = i=1n ( wi × Pi )


  • i represents each individual asset in the portfolio.
  • n is the total number of assets in the portfolio.
  • wi is the weight of asset i in the portfolio.
  • Pi is the normalized price of asset i.

Technical Details

Asset coefficients for normalization on the chart:

  • AKT: 2.5
  • BTC: 0.000045
  • BOOT: 25,000,000
  • ATOM: 0.1
  • DSM: 30
  • ETH: 0.0006
  • KUJI: 1.7
  • SOMM: 3
  • TON: 1

Backlog v.0.4

Calculate and Overlay CTIi

Index Composition


CTI APR Performance

Since Nativity


Index Volatility

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