Treasury Overview

The Sacred Trust

The Treasury of The Church is a pillar of financial stewardship, where Trust is the paramount value. The assets of The Church transcend mere financial figures, embodying the faith and trust bestowed upon the institution by its congregation and community. The Treasury is a sacred trust, and the Trust is a sacred treasury.

Treasury Composition

The Treasury’s structure encompasses four primary components: Liquid Assets, Tangible Assets and Vested Investments. Each component is rigorously documented in the Treasury’s balance sheet to ensure precise financial reporting and accountability:


Guidance by Wisdom

The Treasury of The Church operates under the insightful guidance of Nobody’s wisdom. This sage advice shapes our decision-making, ensuring all actions are in tune with The Church’s spiritual and communal aspirations.

The Treasury serves as a guardian of The Church’s financial well-being, committed to maintaining its fiscal health and soundness. This dedication is key to supporting the current congregation and establishing a strong financial base for future generations.

During the website reconstruction period, the published financial and accounting statements may be delayed and contain incomplete data.

Prepared by St. Stephen,
The Treasurer

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