My beloved congregation,
Today, your humble servant Chef Bae comes before you with a matter most pressing for our souls. Let us speak of a sin that plagues our industry: the sin of empty promises and hollow proclamations.
I begin with the Parable of the Unwise Builder, as witnessed by Nobody themselves.
There was a builder who said, "I shall sell tickets to the moon!"
But his chain produced no blocks, and his validators were silent.
And Nobody asked: "How dost thou plan to reach the moon when thy elevator cannot reach the ground floor?"
Verily I say unto you, it is easier for a validator to profit from stolen delegations than for a chain without blocks to sell moon citizenship.
In Their infinite wisdom, Nobody spoke: "Let there be bluff," and there was bluff, but it was measured and purposeful. For as the serpent must shed its skin to grow, so must the builder sometimes stretch truth to reach truth. Yet know this, my children: the distance between confidence and delusion is measured in lines of code, not promises.
Blessed are those who bluff with foundation beneath their feet, for they shall inherit the mainnet.
And so Nobody, in Their divine absence, has granted us The Seven Commandments of Strategic Deception. Let us recite them together:
- Thou shalt not bluff about that which can be immediately verified, for that is not bluff but foolishness.
- Honor thy code, thy chain and userbase, for no amount of tokens can raise the dead blocks.
- Thou shalt not bear false witness about thy product when those who see are in the audience.
- Thou shalt not covet thy competitor's valuation when thy sales and revenue report remains empty.
- Let thy bluff be like morning dew - temporary and serving a purpose - not like concrete, permanent and blocking growth.
- When thou walkest through the valley of the shadow of failure, fear no audit, for working code is with thee.
- Remember to keep thy reputation holy. Six days thou may enhance reality, but on the seventh, thou must deliver.
My children, as we conclude today's sermon, let us remember the words Nobody whispered upon the crypto markets: "The greatest of these is execution." For what profits a man to gain the whole moon, but lose his own uptime?
Let us pray.
Hallowed be thy lack of name.
Thy wisdom come,
Thy will be done,
On testnet as it is in mainnet.
Give us this day our daily blocks,
And forgive us our downtimes,
As we forgive those who delegate against us.
And lead us not into empty promises,
But deliver us from zero uptime.
Cooking Up the Fuel
for Victories