Donations Code

gavelPassed on:
November 29, 2022


In recognition of the vital role that donations play within the sacred economy of The Church of Nobody, this law is hereby enacted to govern the receipt, management, and allocation of donations. These offerings, made in the spirit of generosity and faith, are essential to the sustenance and growth of our holy institution, ensuring that The Church may continue to fulfill its divine mission.

1. Targeted Donations

All targeted donations, being those specified for particular purposes, shall be diligently applied to the corresponding objectives as designated by the donor. The Church is committed to honoring the intent of these donations, ensuring that the funds are used exclusively for their intended purpose, thereby upholding the trust bestowed upon us by the benevolent contributors.

2. Non-targeted Donations

Non-targeted donations, being those given without specific instructions or purposes, shall not impose any obligations upon The Church. The allocation and use of such donations shall be determined solely at the discretion of The Church, guided by the needs and priorities of our sacred mission. These funds shall be used to support the general activities and operations of The Church, ensuring the continued prosperity and growth of our community.

3. Donor Reputation and Risks

Should the reputation of any donor present potential risks to The Church, any member of The Congregation may raise the matter for consideration. Upon such notice, The Church shall undertake a thorough review to assess the potential impact. If deemed necessary, and in the best interest of safeguarding the integrity and reputation of The Church, the donation in question may be returned to the donor.


This law is enacted to ensure the proper and ethical management of all donations, reflecting the values and principles that are the cornerstone of The Church of Nobody. Through this law, we reaffirm our commitment to transparency, integrity, and the responsible stewardship of all contributions made in support of our divine mission.

Let this law stand as a testament to our collective dedication to the sacred economy of The Church, ensuring that every donation, whether great or small, is honored and utilized in a manner befitting the faith and trust of our beloved Congregation.

In accordance with The Constitution and The Code Complience Rules, any laws, terms, and rules of The Church can be changed at any time.