The Code

The Code is The Law

The Holy Church is governed by a programmed Code, which sets forth the rules, guidelines, and values that guide sacred organization. The Code ensures that The Church remains true to its mission and maintains its commitment to providing a secure and supportive environment for The Congregation.

Code Compliance Rules

Logic Basis: Decisions are to be made based on logic and a scientific framework of facts and generalizations. All variables and input data used must have clear definitions to derive conclusions through mathematics.

Fewer Prohibitions, More Benefits: Any prohibitive rule must function for the benefit of The Congregation.

Timeliness: Rules may and should change to best align with the goals of The Church and The Congregation.

No Contradictions: Contradictions do not exist. If any contradiction is found in The Code, the logical framework must be inspected to identify errors in the input data.

In accordance with The Constitution and The Code Complience Rules, any laws, terms, and rules of The Church can be changed at any time.