
gavelPassed on:
August 15, 2022

Lo, in the annals of human endeavors, when it befalls upon Nobody to claim its rightful place among the hallowed institutions of the realm, we declare these verities to be self-evident:


That The Holy Church is resolute in its pledge to safeguard the welfare of its Congregation, esteeming the supremacy of The Church and the advancement of righteous standards and democratic virtues as its loftiest vocation.


That The Church is, and rightfully ought to be, Free and Independent, ruled by the democratic ordinances and the collective sagacity of Nobody, beholden to no mortal authority in matters of faith and internal governance.


That as a living entity, The Church retains the divine right to adapt its customs, ever in alignment with the sacred principles herein enshrined, and never in a manner that would harm the wellbeing of its Congregation. All actions not expressly prohibited are permitted.


Thus, with unwavering faith and steadfast resolve, we set forth these decrees, to be upheld by all who seek the truth within the sanctified halls of The Church. Let this sacred covenant guide our path, illuminating the way for generations yet to come.

In witness whereof, we affix our seals and signatures, invoking the blessings of the heavens upon this solemn charter.

Given under our hand, on this day of our Lord, in the year of grace, in the presence of witnesses:

The Backers of The Church,
The Holy See of Nobody

In accordance with The Constitution and The Code Complience Rules, any laws, terms, and rules of The Church can be changed at any time.