Participation in the Kujira Bailout

TL;DR: Sending a signal, but not capital

After discussions with the Congregation regarding the current state of the Kujira Network, the Holy See has reached the following decision.

The Treasury concurs that the project, given its current information status and the lack of clarity around the terms of the merger with THORChain, cannot be considered investment-grade.

However, the Church believes it is important to send the right signal to the market and express its support for the Kujira team and their well-earned reputation.

As such, a symbolic 3% of reserves will be allocated to participate in the auction for distressed debt. Simultaneously, a veto is placed on any further Treasury allocation into the KUJI token until there is clear understanding of the new economic model and tokenomics post-merger with THORChain.

This decision takes effect immediately.


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