TL;DR: The Church implemented a system to track user behavior on the website
Today, The Church implemented a system to track user behavior on the website. This will help the development team better understand user needs and respond to them.
The data collected is not shared with third parties, and we use our own scripts.
Here are the models we use for these purposes:
interface UserAttributes {
id: number;
email: string;
username: string;
passwordHash: string;
registrationIp: string;
isEmailVerified: boolean;
accountStatus: string;
createdAt: Date;
lastLogin: Date | null;
interface SessionAttributes {
id: number;
sessionId: string;
userId: number | null;
userAgent: string;
ipAddress: string;
deviceInfo: object;
locationInfo: object;
language: string;
isMobile: boolean;
vpnUsed: boolean;
trafficSource: object;
networkInfo: object;
batteryInfo: object;
firstSeen: Date;
lastSeen: Date | null;
interface EventAttributes {
id: number;
sessionId: number;
userId: number | null;
eventType: string;
eventData: object;
timestamp: Date;
pageUrl: string;
componentId: string;
interface ErrorLogAttributes {
id: number;
sessionId: number;
userId: number | null;
errorType: string;
errorMessage: string;
stackTrace: string;
pageUrl: string;
deviceInfo: object;
timestamp: Date;
We understand that there are some misconceptions surrounding the need for cookies. We’ll be releasing clarifications soon.
TL;DR: without these modest helpers, the internet would be much less convenient.
Cooking Up the Fuel
for Victories